Lose weight by drinking water!

YEP, you read it right!

There is a way to lose weight by JUST drinking water.

How? How can it be so simple?

Well, I present to you the marvel that I discovered thanks to Pinterest and it’s called DETOX WATER!

What does detox mean?

Doing a Detox means removing harmful or potentially damaging substances from our bodies, our environment and our diet.There are many harmful substances that we are exposed to and that we are directly or indirectly affected by. These can be harmful to one’s health and can possibly reduce one’s vitality and spark. Through a process of detoxification, one can get rid of accumulated harmful substances that stress our systems.

Studies have shown that drinking water naturally boosts your metabolism, and drinking fruit infused water for weight loss can be an easy way to increase your water intake. Also called detox water, fruit flavored water, or fruit infused water; infused water can generally be any combination of fruits, vegetables, and herbs immersed in cold water. While infused water has the benefit of being full of flavor, it also has no calories, making it a very powerful tool in your efforts to lose weight and gain better health.


Everyone health related and everyone otherwise cannot emphasize enough on how important it is to keep drinking water, water itself is the solution to about 70 percent of health problems and acts as a magic healer for infections. Trust me, I had a crazy UTI phase and all that the doctor asked me to do was drink 6 L of water everyday and tada, magic! I was cured. Therefore, I can’t really tell you how important it is to keep yourself constantly hydrated and what’s great about this detox water is that, it helps you lose that weight you’ve been trying to lose for a while now, without even lifting a finger. NO, it’s not magic. Don’t expect to lose 5 kilos in 10 days with this, but to expect that feeling of bloatedness to go away and expect to feel healthy and rejuvenated and I promise you that if you keep this habit up, in a span of a month you will see some obvious changes.

What are the other benefits of detox water?

What Are The Benefits of Infused Water?

Besides tasting great and having zero calories, a water detox has many additional health benefits, including:

  • Improves your mood.
  • Flushes toxins from your system.
  • Fills you up so you don’t eat as much junk.
  • Naturally helps your body release fat cells for water weight loss.
  • Keeps food moving through your system.
  • Keeps your organs healthy while you’re sweating.
  • Reduces muscle fatigue while working out.
  • Helps you recuperate faster from a workout.
  • Keeps you from feeling groggy in the afternoon.

Below I’m posting the detox water recipes that are my absolute favorite!

Cucumber, lemon and mint : This is the king of all detox water recipes!

What you need : One cucumber and one lemon [ thinly sliced], some mint leaves, a litre of water and a jug. All you do is add the three ingredients into the jug of water, cover it and let it sit for 5 minutes and after that it’s ready to drink! You can refill this jug about 5 times.

Why it’s so good : Cucumber is low in calories, acts as a diuretic, high in dietary in fiber, and helps keep the body alkaline. Cucumbers are a perfect weight loss food. Lemon is high in pectin fiber, which helps suppress food cravings. It also helps the body eliminate waste products by cleansing and detoxifying it. Lemons are alkaline forming and will aid with weight loss. You may not have thought of mint as an appetite suppressant, but it is. Not only will it give the water a refreshing flavor it will stop food cravings too.


Tip : You can also add ginger ( sliced)  to this and make another variant of it. Ginger, studies have revealed is known to make you feel full and prevent you from over eating.


Strawberry, mint and lemon : Take a handful of strawberries, slice them up, do the same with one lemon, take some mint leaves and add it to a litre of water.

packed so full of Vitamin C, you’ll be giving your metabolism a big boost while burning fat and increasing weight loss.

It also contains anti-inflammatory ingredients and is great for fighting cold and flu viruses.

Strawberries are known to curb appetite, boost your immune system, regulate blood sugar, aid in digestion, and improve cardiovascular health. They’re packed full of Vitamin C to increase your metabolism and help reduce bloat and inflammation in sore muscles.

The lemon is good for weight management, improved digestion, appetite control and also helps fight bloating.

Mint helps boost energy, and best of all it helps you burn fat faster, making this a great drink for weight loss.

Apple and cinnamon :

Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants and flavanoids, including Vitamins C and B Complex. The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

Cinnamon has many health benefits, including lowering cholesterol, fighting diabetes, and helps relieve arthritis pain.

Slice an apple  and take 2-3 cinnamon sticks and add them to a jug of water and that’s it!

Some other great detox water combinations :

  1. Add slices of watermelon to water [ after de-seeding those slices]. There are plenty of antioxidants stored within the juicy melons, and its nutrient contents are through the roof. One of its key compounds is the phytonutrient known as lycopene. This generous ingredient is an extraordinarily strong antioxidant, and it also is known to foster anti-inflammatory effects. Amino acids are also provided to aid in blood flow and cardiovascular well-being. This is great for anyone with a rigid fitness routine.
  2. Strawberry and kiwi slim down water :Kiwi detox water belongs to a league of its own. This exotic fruit is blessed with tons of dietary fiber, which helps it remove extra sodium from the system. Girls who consume too much salt may discover a lot of assistance through these tropical treats. Huge vitamin C reserves make this special water a formidable detox agent. Strawberries fight free radicals with antioxidants of their own
  3. Mango and lime water :Detox waters are all about infusing the water with the nutrients from fruits and vegetables. In this case they’re using mango and lime for a delicious flavor, but you’ll also get the antioxidants from the mango, and the Vitamin C from the lime.



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